Leader development in Army units : views from the field by Peter Schirmer - UB413.L43 2008
"The authors note that the Center for Army Leadership can support these efforts by fostering the sharing of leader development tools and ideas, possibly online, and exercising continuing quality control over the ideas being shared, based at least in part on user feedback. " - Rand
Women and nation building by Cheryl Benard - HQ1240.5.A34. W66 2008
"Using a case study of Afghanistan, this study examines gender-specific impacts of conflict and post-conflict and the ways they may affect women differently than they affect men. It analyzes the role of women in the nation-building process and considers outcomes that might occur if current practices were modified. Recommendations are made for improving data collection in conflict zones and for enhancing the outcomes of nation-building programs." - Rand
Brain Korea 21 phase II : a new evaluation model by Somi Seong - LB2342.4.K6.B73 2008
"This study benefited from discussions with anonymous interviewees and policymakers at the Korea Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, program evaluators and managers of BK21-Nuri Committee at the Korea Research Foundation, directors and managers of various university research laboratories, and researchers and consumers of BK21 program performance information." - Rand
Global War on Terrorism : an assessment by Robert C. Martinage - HV6432.M37 2008
"The report concludes that the United States reached a high-water mark in the war on terrorism in 2003. At that time, the Taliban had been overthrown and al Qaeda stripped of its sanctuary in Afghanistan, ten of al Qaeda’s senior-most leaders had been captured or killed, dozens of jihadi cells had been rolled up, and several partner countries had significantly improved their counter- terrorism capabilities." - Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments
Statistical Abstract of the United States 2008 (The 127th Edition) - HA202 .A3
Strategic challenges : America's global security agenda edited by Stephen J. Flanagan and James A. Schear - JZ1469.S77 2008
"This volume explores seven looming, as yet unmastered strategic challenges facing the United States. Each chapter tackles one of the following challenges: tackling global terrorism, stopping WMD proliferation, undertaking defense transformation, protecting the homeland, strengthening relations with allies and partners, engaging other major powers, and defusing conflicts in unstable regions." - Editorial Reviews
Beyond Horizons: A Half Century of Air Force Space Leadership by David Spires - D 301.2:H 78/2007
"Beyond Horizons: A Half Century of Air Force Space Leadership is a study of the United States Air Force in space. This book tells the story of the origins and development of the United States Air Force's space program from its earliest beginnings in the post Second World War period to its emergence as a critical operational presence in the Persian Gulf War. " - Editorial Reviews
The organizational history of field artillery 1775-2003 by Janice E. McKenney - UF403.M35 2007
"The publication includes charts and tables showing the organization of field artillery over the last 225 years, as well as photographs and artwork depicting artillerymen and their weapons in both war and peace. The book was designed to complement the volume published in 1985 in the series covering the lineages and honors of Regular Army and Army Reserve field artillery regiments, which is currently being updated to include commands, brigades, groups, and regiments in all three components." - Editorial Reviews
MACV : the Joint Command in the years of withdrawal, 1968-1973 by Graham A. Cosmas - DS558.C6823 2007
Congress at War: The Politics of Conflict Since 1789 by Charles A. Stevenson - JK339.S74 2007
"Congress at War provides a comprehensive historical overview of how the United States Congress has dealt with the military instrument of statecraft from A to Z, including declaring and terminating hostilities, raising and funding forces, specifying strategy, and conducting oversight. Based on the author's decades of work on Capitol Hill, this book wraps more than two centures of experience into a concise account. Readers seeking a quick overview of congressional praxis could hardly do better." -- Terry Deibel, Professor of National Strategy, Department of National Security Policy, National War College
Truth At Last: The Untold Story Behind James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. by John Larry Ray - E185.97.K5. R39 2008
"This is the story of two brothers whose lives were destroyed by powerful and corrupt men. I am now an old man, and it is time to tell all of the things that I couldn’t say while my brother James was alive. For me, it’s all about the how and why behind my brother’s gradual and thorough transformation into the FBI’s mole, and eventually, one of the most reviled men in American history.” - Editorial Reviews
Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku - QC75.K18 2008
"Michio Kaku's latest book, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, aims to explain exactly why some visions of the future may eventually realized while others are likely to remain beyond the bounds of possibility...Science fiction often explores such questions; science falls silent at this point. Mr. Kaku's work helps to fill a void."-The Economist
Dare to Prepare: How to Win Before You Begin by Ronald M. Shapiro - HD30.28.S4185 2008
“This book reflects years of experience, and of wisdom gained, through the careful preparation and resulting success of professionals in a variety of fields — from athletics to the arts… Anyone who wants to be a successful negotiator, speaker, fundraiser, or leader will find these stories both enlightening and entertaining.” —Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, President, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Predictably Irrational : The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely
"Predictably Irrational is wildly original. It shows why--much more often than we usually care to admit--humans make foolish, and sometimes disastrous, mistakes. Ariely not only gives us a great read; he also makes us much wiser."- George Akerlof, 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Koshland Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley
A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do by Thomas Moore
Treaties in force 2007 by the Department of State - KZ235 .T74
"Treaties in Force is for the purpose of providing information on treaties and other international agreements to which the United States has become a party and which are carried on the records of the Department of State as being in force as of its stated publication date, January 1, 2007" - Department of State
The Military Balance 2008 by The International Institute For Strategic Studies- UA15 .L84
Highlights of the Military Balance 2008
• An assessment of current developments in and the future capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology • A review feature on the European and US defence industries in 2007. • Assessments of ground, naval and air capabilities, with detailed assessments of air-launched weaponry and UAVs in service, as well as air capability tables for the US, Russia and China. • Regionally-focused text sections, including analysis of the impact of Iraq and Afghanistan on US forces, Iraq’s security forces, European defence issues and conflict and defence developments in Africa. • In-depth coverage of defence economics issues in tabular and essay form, including an updated assessment of Chinese military spending.
• An assessment of current developments in and the future capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology • A review feature on the European and US defence industries in 2007. • Assessments of ground, naval and air capabilities, with detailed assessments of air-launched weaponry and UAVs in service, as well as air capability tables for the US, Russia and China. • Regionally-focused text sections, including analysis of the impact of Iraq and Afghanistan on US forces, Iraq’s security forces, European defence issues and conflict and defence developments in Africa. • In-depth coverage of defence economics issues in tabular and essay form, including an updated assessment of Chinese military spending.
Lloyd's List Ports of the World 2008 - HE552.P6
"...features 100 full page maps of the top 100 ports and harbours. The only Port Directory that lists over 2800 of the world’s most commercially active ports, published in three A4 sized volumes, the directory provides essential details of over 19,000 port facilities and services...gives you exact port coordinates, approach, map, principal facilities, anchorage, pilotage, radio frequency, local climate including tides, principal imports and exports, working hours, bunkering, towage, medical facilities, nearest amenities, Lloyd’s Agent, maximum vessel dimensions, pre-arrival information..." - Informa
Post-secondary education in Qatar : employer demand, student choice, and options for policy by Cathleen Stasz - LA1435.P67 2007
“The leadership of Qatar has a social and political vision that calls for improving the country’s post-secondary education system. Qatar’s Supreme Education Council asked RAND to conduct a one-year study to assess whether the current post-secondary education opportunities in Qatar are aligned with the nation’s social and economic goals, and to help articulate priorities for developing post-secondary educational opportunities, either in Qatar or through financed study abroad...” - Rand
Census Atlas of the United States - G1201.E2. U5 2007
"The Census Atlas of the United States includes maps, figures, and text selected and organized to enhance public understanding of population and housing characteristics of the United States. The Census Atlas is a high-quality reference book, a systematic collection of information emphasizing spatial distribution and patterns from 1790 to 2000. " - Editorial Reviews
Korean war stories PBS Home Video - DS921.6 .K67 2001
"This video presents the personal accounts and recollections of Korean War veterans, both the famous and the ordinary. The Korean War, the first skirmish of the cold war in the 1950s, took a deadly on American and U.N. troops and the Korean forces, which included the Chinese. Yet it is known as the "Forgotten War." This video pays tribute to those who served there. ~ Rose of Sharon Winter, All Movie Guide
The first patient by Michael Palme - PS3566.A539 F57 2007
A spy by nature by Charles Cumming - PR6103.U484 S69 2007
"A SPY BY NATURE is a terrific espionage thriller that stars a delightful protagonist who gets what he wishes for, a little excitement in his life. However, little turns into Mt. Everest as Alec is caught in a horrific spy vs. spy fiasco caused when the Yanks and the Brits fail at sharing information with both sides of the Anglo-Atlantic wanting to look superior so it costs a SIS tyro his life. Charles Cumming’s tale will remind readers of TV’ Secret Agent Man even with a bungling neophyte muddling to survive the dangerous middle. " - Harriet Klausner
Brothers in battle, best of friends by William "Wild Bill" Guarnere and Edward "Babe" Heffron - D769.346 101st .G83 2007
"As the son of a WWII veteran that fought with the 9th armored division and endured many of the similar hardships, I have the greatest respect for these men and my Dad for their sacrifices. This should be required reading for all that think war is all glory and no guts. The book kept me riveted from beginning to end." - David
From foxholes and flight decks : letters home from World War II by Rod Gragg - D811.A2 G635 2002
"This slim volume marks the latest advance in what might seem like an escalating battle among war correspondence collections. While recent histories have included facsimile epistles and other reproductions, this gathering of 20 letters, telegrams and official notifications-which readers can slide from pockets in the pages and unfold in their hands-ups the ante considerably within the genre..." - Editorial Reviews
Global political Islam by Peter Mandaville - JC49 .M255 2007
Boom! : voices of the sixties by Tom Brokaw - E841 .B738 2007
"As an NBC correspondent, Brokaw was a keen (if careful nonparticipant) observer of the '60s and contributes his own neutral but engaging gloss on developments, along with personal recollections of everyone from Bobby Kennedy to Hunter S. Thompson. He may not always know what to make of it all, but Brokaw's profiles do convey the decade's diverse experiences, its roiling energies and its centrality in the making of modern America. Photos." - Editorial Reviews
The US intelligence community by Jeffrey T. Richelson - JK468.I6 R53 2008
"From the author of The Wizards of Langley, this definitive survey of the US intelligence community, covering its history, organizations, operations, and management in detail, is now fully updated with new material on homeland security, intelligence sharing, POW and detainee interrogation, and national intelligence organizations..." - Editorial Reviews
Cheney : the untold story of America's most powerful and controversial vice president by Stephen F. Hayes - E840.8.C43 H39 2007
"The wide range of topics Hayes covers includes Cheney's withdrawal from Yale; his early run-ins with the law; the incident that almost got him blackballed from working in the Ford White House; his meteoric rise to congressional leadership; his opposition to removing Saddam Hussein from power after the first Gulf War; the solo, cross-country drive he took after leaving the Pentagon; his selection as Bush's running mate; his commanding performance on 9/11; the aggressive intelligence and interrogation measures he pushed in the aftermath of those attacks; the necessity of the Iraq War; the consequences of mistakes made during and after that war; and intelligence battles with the CIA and their lasting effects. ... " - Editorial Reviews
SSI Carlisle Papers in Security Strategy
On the Uses of Cultural Knowledge by Dr. Sheila Miyoshi Jager - E183.7 .J34 2007
"The author explores the role that cultural knowledge must play in thinking about a new strategy for counterinsurgency... The author highlights the importance of culture, and cultural awareness, in formulating a broad strategy for counterinsurgency which also has wide-ranging implication for U.S. foreign policy." - Strategic Studies Institute
Development and Reform of the Iraqi Police Forces by Lieutenant Colonel Tony Pfaff - DS79.769 .P434 2008
"...The author argues that the poor political and security environment impacts social, political, and cultural factors in ways that are predictable, understandable, and, with external help, resolvable. The author offers valuable insights into the creation of such programs as well as a number of policies and practices advisors may adopt to best facilitate the creation of a just and effective Iraqi police force. " - Strategic Studies Institute
Force and Restraint in Strategic Deterrence: A Game-Theorist's Perspective by Dr. Roger B. Myerson - U162.6 .M94 2007
"A great power’s use of its military forces may be rendered ineffective or even counterproductive when there are no clear internationally recognizable limits on this use of force. Professor Myerson derives this conclusion from the basic observation that our ability to influence potential rivals depends on a balanced mix of threats and promises..."- Strategic Studies Institute
Transforming to Effects-Based Operations: Lessons from the United Kingdom Experience by Dr. Andrew M. Dorman - U167.5.E35 D676 2008
"The author examines the extent to which the United Kingdom (UK) has transitioned to effects-based operations to ascertain: (1) Areas where the U.S. Army could draw lessons from UK policies; (2) Areas where the U.S. Army and the British Ministry of Defence could develop integrated or complementary approaches and doctrines towards transformation for future alliance/coalition operations; and (3) Implications for the U.S. Army for working with the UK..."- Strategic Studies Institute
Jordanian National Security and the Future of Middle East Stability by Dr. W. Andrew Terrill - DS154.55 .T477 2008
"...Jordan maintains a key interest in Palestinian/Israeli issues and has made ongoing efforts to play a constructive role in this setting. Helping Jordan survive, prosper, and modernize correspondingly has become an urgent priority for the United States in its quest for a secure Middle East." - Strategic Studies Institute
A Contemporary Challenge to State Sovereignty: Gangs and Other Illicit Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) in Central America, El Salvador, Me
by Dr. Max G. Manwaring" Dr. Max G. Manwaring -JC328 .M378 2007
"Another kind of war within the context of a “clash of civilizations” is being waged in various parts of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and elsewhere around the world today. Some of the main protagonists are those who have come to be designated as first-second-, and third-generation street gangs, as well as their various possible allies such as traditional Transnational Criminal Organizations. In this new type of war, national security and sovereignty of affected countries is being impinged every day, and gangs’ illicit commercial motives are, in fact, becoming an ominous political agenda." - Strategic Studies Institute
Negotiation in the New Strategic Environment: Lessons from Iraq by Mr. David M Tressler - DS79.76 .T74 2007
"... This monograph analyzes the U.S. Army’s current predeployment negotiation training and compares it with the negotiating experience of U.S. Army and Marine Corps officers deployed to Iraq. The author argues that successfully adapting to the nature of the contemporary operating environment requires changes that include increased training in negotiation..." - Strategic Studies Institute
Latin America's New Security Reality: Irregular Asymmetric Conflict and Hugo Chavez by Dr. Max G. Manwaring - U163 .M369 2007
"... Dr. Manwaring’s intent is to explain in greater depth what President Chavez is doing and how he is doing it. First, he explains that Hugo Chavez’s threat is straightforward, and that it is being translated into a consistent, subtle, ambiguous, and ambitious struggle for power that is beginning to insinuate itself into political life in much of the Western Hemisphere. Second, he shows how President Chavez is encouraging his Venezuelan and other followers to pursue a confrontational, populist, and nationalistic agenda ... " - Strategic Studies Institute
Egypt: Security, Political, and Islamist Challenges by Dr. Sherifa D. Zuhur - DT107.87 .Z848 2007
The Emerging Pattern of Geopolitics by Dr. Peter W. Rodman - E902 .R595 2007
"Without ignoring the two wars that are currently taking place in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) sought to reframe the debate over security within a global context. Thus Mr. Rodman’s address sets contemporary security challenges to the United States within a framework of both an Islamist challenge rising from the Jihadi movement across the Muslim world that mostly finds its expression in terrorism and in the dynamics of the rise and decline of great powers." - Strategic Studies Institute
The United States and ASEAN-China Relations: All Quiet on the Southeast Asian Front by Dr. Ian Storey - DS33.4.C5 S76 2007
"..While ASEAN-China relations are relatively benign today, in the future several sources of potential friction could create problems in Sino-U.S. relations: these are Taiwan, Burma, and the South China Sea dispute. This monograph examines each of these scenarios in turn." - Strategic Studies Institute
American Grand Strategy for Latin America in the Age of Resentment by Dr. Gabriel Marcella - F1414.2 .M383 2007
China's Expansion into and U.S. Withdrawal from Argentina's Telecommunications and Space Industries and the Implications for U.S. National Security
by Janie Hulse - HG5782 .H87 2007
"Chinese involvement in the Latin American telecommunications and space industries has implications for U.S. national security. Unlike other commercial activities geared toward supplying raw materials to China’s 1.3 billion inhabitants, Chinese investment in space and telecommunications implies broader commercial and strategic interests that potentially put the Chinese into Western Hemisphere air and space. .." - Strategic Studies Institute
"Chinese involvement in the Latin American telecommunications and space industries has implications for U.S. national security. Unlike other commercial activities geared toward supplying raw materials to China’s 1.3 billion inhabitants, Chinese investment in space and telecommunications implies broader commercial and strategic interests that potentially put the Chinese into Western Hemisphere air and space. .." - Strategic Studies Institute
Transformation Under Fire: A Historical Case Study with Modern Parallels by Major Raymond A. Kimball - UA10 .K562 2007
Managing archival & manuscript repositories by Michael J. Kurtz - CD950 .K87 2004
"Managing Archival and Manuscript Repositories presents a holistic synthesis of theory and practice viewed in the context of the complexity of modern organizations. More than that, it is an indispensable reference uniquely geared to the specifics of working in the archives environment. It is filled with sound advice on a wide variety of managerial issues, such as planning and conducting effective meetings, allocating space in planning an archives facility, improving communication through active listening, policy statement essentials, and key information needed for developing a project plan.” - Casey Edward GreeneChair, SAA Archives Management Roundtable
Turkmenistan and Central Asia after Niyazov by Dr. Stephen J. Blank - DK859.5 .B575 2007
"...The author shows the linkage between energy and security policies in Central Asia and in the policies of the major powers towards Central Asia. Beyond this analysis, he provides recommendations for U.S. policymakers as to how they should conduct themselves in this complex situation." - Strategic Studies Institute
The Reserve Policies of Nations: A Comparative Analysis by Dr. Richard Weitz - UA15 .W39 2007
"Throughout the world, military reserves are changing. National governments are transforming the relationships between their active and reserve components, the allocation of roles and responsibilities among reserve forces, and the way they train, equip, and employ reservists. ... The author analyzes the innovative responses countries have adopted to manage these challenges. " - Strategic Studies Institute
The Eastern Dimension of America's New European Allies by Mr. Janusz Bugajski - UA646 .B828 2007
"Without a realistic prospect for NATO and EU accession, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and Georgia will become sources of domestic and regional instability and objects of Russia’s neo-imperialist ambitions that will undermine American and European strategic interests. The new members of NATO and the EU have sought to develop credible policies for consolidating democratic reforms among their eastern neighbors, enhancing their prospects for inclusion in NATO and the EU, and containing a resurgent and assertive Russia..." - Strategic Studies Institute
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